Sunday, March 4, 2012

Independence Movement Day

On Thursday I had a much needed day off for the national holiday, Independence Movement Day. Lauren and I joined another awesome travel group called, WinK (When in Korea), and took the day to learn about the history of this holiday.

The March 1st Movement marks one of the earliest public displays of Korean resistance during the occupation of the Korean Empire by Japan. In 1919 people of every class entered the streets and demanded national independence. The movement began in the area of Cheonan, Korea, which is about an hour from Dongbaek. In this area lies the Independence Hall of Korea which was built in 1987 to help people "reflect on Korea's sad history and the importance of nationhood."

Because we visited on Independence Movement Day, there were a lot of amazing exhibits and shows.

While we were walking around we were stopped by a few students that asked us what our favorite Korean food was. They were so cute! My votes for bipimbap. Yumm!!

After Independence Hall, we took the bus over to the Gyeonggi-do Shooting Range. I was so excited to try shooting again. I've been once before, but this time I wanted to try shooting a shot gun. I decided on shooting a shot gun and a glock 9mm. I felt very empowered that day! Considering Korea has a very strict no guns policy, I was surprised to hear they even had a range.  

the only 2 that hit the target
This weekend was spent resting and sleeping my way back to good health. After a stressful week at work, I got a horrible cold. Luckily my parents so kindly had sent me meds that I was able to recover quickly. Tomorrow starts new classes with new kindergarten babies, as well as, new elementary students. I'm excited, yet sad that I will no longer be teaching Elmo class. I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Miss you all!! 

-Jenn xoxo

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