Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

One week from today will mark my 8th month anniversary of being in Korea. The time just seems to slip past me weekly. As Monday approaches, I blink and it's Friday. I feel blessed everyday to have been given this opportunity to live a year in such a beautiful country.

Before coming to Korea I had no goals, ideas, or plans as to what I wanted to do after. I had just planned to pack up my bags, move here, and start a new chapter in my life while leaving all the negative things behind. Well now it's time I begin to make some plans and decisions on my future. I've decided that I want to get back into doing what I love, event planning. Not only have I made this decision, but I'm also planning on FINALLY making that move to New York City. It's been long overdue! 

NYC <3

As most of you know, I came here on a year contract. I arrived July 31, 2011 and was expected to leave in August 2012. On Thursday, my director asked if I could extend longer and stay until March 2013. That's another year from now!!! I've been weighing the pros and cons all weekend and I'm not 100% sure that this would be the best for myself and career. I miss my family, friends, and the simple things about America that it would be hard to stay away another year.

sibling love <3

Mom and Pops 

It's definitely nice knowing how much I am valued in a workplace and that I am doing a great job. My director has been nothing but a great, fair, and honest person to work for. Some of my past work places have failed to acknowledge their hardworking employees.

SO after much consideration, I have offered to extend my contract until October and make the move to New York City around March. This pushes my return date back 3ish months. No Biggie! I feel this would be a good opportunity to save a little extra money and allow me to do more traveling. With the extremely cheap airfare around Asia, I'm hoping to make stops in Bali, Malaysia, and Hong Kong before returning home. 

On another note, in one month I'll be reunited with two lovely ladies from home. I can't even begin to tell you just how excited I am to see Lauren and Tania and share my experiences of SoKo first hand with them. Ahhh watch out Korea!!! :)

I think of you all daily and miss you all so much!!! See you in October! :)

~Jenn xoxo

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