Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just a Short Little Field Trip

My favorite days at work are none other then FIELD TRIPS with the Kindergarteners.  On Tuesday we did just that. This month's trip was to the Dongbaek Fire Station.

Most field trips last from 1 to 1.5 hours followed by lunch the kiddos bring from home. However, this particular trip was a record breaking 12 minutes long. Yes, that's what I said. Due to the lack of rain here in Korea, they were extremely busy and all the firefighters were out on calls. So instead of learning about fire safety we did the next best thing...played dress up!!

While I'm on the subject of work, I suppose I shall make your hearts melt with just a few random picks of my students.

Elmo class...Matthew and Isaac

Snoopy class divas

Ethan in suspenders

Hope you all enjoy the pictures!! Miss you so much! Muah

-Jenn xoxo

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