Monday, August 1, 2011

"Jenn Teacher, You are the Best Teacher EVER!"

Ok ok so maybe that's not exactly how my first day of teaching went, but it was worth a try ;)

I walked in having somewhat of an idea as to what to expect thanks to Lauren Teacher emailing me very thorough notes on each class the night before. Of course having no experience or training, I was very nervous and scared only because I'm more of a visual learner. I am very lucky to have such amazing co-teachers. They helped me all throughout the day and eased a lot of my worries. 

Let me give you a run down on what my everyday schedule will mostly consist of . My work day begins around 10ish. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday my last class is finished at 7:10 pm. Yes, that's what I said! I think on Tuesdays and Thursday I'll be leaving around 4:30. That I'm not 100% sure yet. Children in Korea are very well advanced and sometimes will go to school until 9 pm. I've noticed in the last few days that the parents keep their children out a lot later than American children. 

I have a total of seven classes. The morning time is when I get to work with two Kinder classes. These are basically the babies. They are so adorable!  The classes are called Elmo class and Tweety class.  During these classes we emphasis a lot on reading and coloring. Sounds like my kind of work! I also have one class, Clifford class, for about 30 minutes on Monday to teach Math.

At around 2:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is when Elementary classes start. Each class is around 45 minutes long and the oldest grade I will be teaching is fourth grade. During these classes we also emphasis on reading, but the reading is more advanced and we discuss the reading with more complex questions.

The children in Elementary classes were very helpful to me today. During one of my classes, one of the girls began to scream and point at my chest as I began to write my name on the blackboard. Of course I thought I had a bug on me, so I started to freak out.  haha Come to find out the children were screaming out because I was using a permanent marker on the blackboard. Oopsie! No worries, I got it off :)

So in a nut shell, that's what I learned on my first day of teaching. I'm sure I'll have a lot more stories to come.

1 comment:

  1. lol i can imagine you freaking out like there was a bug on you!!!
