Monday, August 8, 2011

Oh and The Stories Begin...

It's been a full week here in Soko and I already have so many stories. My first week of teaching went by extremely fast. The kids are adorable and definitely a handful. It helps to be working with a variety of ages. It seems that most of the kids adapted well to me being the new teacher, but of course there are the few that will take some time to warm up.

Two times a week, one of my Elementary classes have to write a journal entry. On Thursday, the students were to write a letter to somebody of their choice. One of the students wrote a letter to me that read, 

"Dear Jenn Teacher,
I love you. Thank you for teaching me.
Your Friend,

After reading this letter, I knew I made the right decision to come here. I felt so good about myself in knowing that I'm helping children learn a language that will hopefully help them in their future.

Of course, not everything can be peachy keen all the time. Probably one the most memorable events that I will ever experience happened to me on Thursday. As I was in the bathroom and washing my hands, I heard a voice scream out "TEACHER I'M DOOONE." Knowing what she was screaming about I stood still hoping it was a mistake and just wanted to run. Next thing I know, the door flies open and I get to to wipe a student's butt. Oh the joys, oh the joys! haha 

A side from the teaching, I've been able to go out and experience some nightlife. Not so much Korean,but still a nightlife. There's a really cool bar about 40 minutes from my place called "Travelers". It's a bar where lots of foreigners hang out. It reminds me a lot of some of the bars back home, which is really nice to have. They have pretty much any kind of American food you think of to eat. And props to them for having my favorite beer, Stella Artois.

I also went to my first baseball game in Korea. I went to see the LG Twins vs Doosan Bears last night, which was really exciting. They are professional league teams. What's really cool about the stadium is that you're allowed to bring in anything you wish. They sold KFC, Burger King and had lots of vendors. Also, you're allowed to bring your own booze. They make it even more convenient by having  a small store in and outside of the stadium to buy cheap beer to bring in. The games are really exciting and there's lots and lot of cheering. Each player has their own cheer. Every time a player would come up to bat, the fans would chant. Not to mention there are cheerleaders at the game. Not sure if that's because there isn't football, but it was cool nonetheless.

On top of everything, last night as I was walking back to my apartment after coming home from the bus stop. I witnessed my first Korean streaking. Yup, that's what I said. There were a group of kids and all of a sudden a young guy goes running up and down the street, nude. It was pretty comical. Ohhh Korea :)

I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to, because Monday is a Holiday. I'm not 100% sure of what I'll do, but I'm hoping to get some sightseeing in and possibly window shopping. Considering I live extremely close to Coach, Prada and Gucci, I might as well make the most of it.

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