Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Almost Like I Never Left Home

Having been in South Korea for only five days, I can happily say that I'm really enjoying it. My neighborhood is very nice. I feel very safe walking home at wee hours of the night alone, if needed. There are many Western amenities here which makes it feel like I never left the States. Just within a 15 minute walk, I'm near Papa Johns, Dominos,  Baskin Robbins and a Dunkin Donuts. Also, directly across the street from my work is a freakin' Popeyes. I mean you can't get more Western than some fried chicken and biscuits :) 

My work is very accessible which makes it nice to be able to walk if I don't feel like taking the bus. There are a lot of really cool places to go around here. There's even an Aveda hair salon that I will most likely be visiting. Sorry Raymond if you're reading this! You are still my #1 hair stylist.

I visited my first Korean BBQ the first night I was here. For those of you who don't know what a Korean BBQ is, it is basically when your group sits either on chairs or the floor in front of a grill. You choose your meat/s and grill them. Along with the meat, you are given different sides. We were given garlic, kimchi, salt/pepper and some other things I don't remember the names of. Then you are given lettuce wraps to wrap around your meats and sides. It's amazing!
I had my first Soju experience last night with two of my co-workers. Soju is a very popular liquor here in Korea. It's comparable to vodka. It comes in a beer bottle form and is sold in almost all convenience store.You don't want to drink it straight from the bottle because it's about 20% proof. Also in Korea, they sell liquor in all stores and there are no open container laws.

With my days seeming to fly by, I can't believe it's already the weekend. Tonight I will celebrate Friday eve and join my co-workers for baked chicken and beverages. This weekend I have to go to the hospital to get a physical so I can get my alien registration card. Without my card, I can't open a bank account which in turns mean I don't get paid.

I'll post my address below for anyone who may want to send me a care package :) It's my school's address because I don't have one at my apartment. P.S. - 10 bucks if you can pronounce it ;)

Dong-chang Plaza 8th Floor
Jung-dong 84-1
Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do
Seoul 446-911 Republic of Korea

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