Friday, May 11, 2012

Visits and So Much Catching Up

I apologize for my terrible slacking on posting, but these past three weeks seem to have magically passed me by. To let you all know, I'm in the midst of doing my write up on the DMZ tour I took with Lauren a few weeks ago. I'll be sure to take some time this weekend to sit and write about it. I have so much to catch you all up on, so here it goes...

From the daily reminders to my friends to the ridiculously excited facebook statuses I was posting, I'm pretty sure almost everyone and their brother knew that Tania and Lauren were gracing Korea with their presence. I was nothing but thrilled to have them here .I've been really homesick lately and having a little bit of home was just what I needed. Unfortunately, I was unable to get any time off during the weekdays to visit. However, I still had such an amazing time.

During the day, as I was at work, the girls went sightseeing and I met up with them for dinner. They were really interested in trying all kinds of Korean food. Thanks to Nadine, a friend/co-worker,she even introduced me to lots of new foods and restaurants. One day we went to a very traditional Korean restaurant in the Bundang area. This place was so amazing! The lady who owned the restaurant brought us out almost 10 courses. We had several different soups, vegetables, bugolgi, and tea.

Thankfully, I was able to spend a full weekend with the girls. We decided to spend the whole weekend in Seoul. I booked a room at a hotel in Sinsa-dong, which a very ritzy area of Seoul. It was perfect! We went into Seoul and visited Dr. Fish.


Dr. Fish

After, we headed into Hongdae to see another B-Boy show. Nadine was so kind to get tickets and invite us.

Of course being in Seoul, we HAD to check out the club scene. We made our way over to Club Ellui. This club has a reputation of being "bad-ass" and is the second largest club in Asia. After dancing the night away, we packed our cute little butts in the cab and headed back to the hotel.

Our baseball game plans failed on Sunday because of sold out tickets, so we decided to head over to COEX. COEX is basically a huge indoor shopping area with an aquarium and museum. We shopped for a bit before making our way outdoors. As we walked a few blocks, we accidentally stumbled upon Bongeunsa Buddhist Temple. This made our day! It was so beautiful with all the flowers in full bloom. I couldn't have asked for a better mistake.

The following Thursday, I had to say my goodbyes to Tania and Lauren. I wish I had more time to spend with them while they were here, but I had such a great time with these ladies.

That weekend my friend/co-worker, Sarah, and I decided to head into Seoul for the Seoul Friendship Fair. I bought some cool stuff from Laos and Morocco, as well as, eating my little heart out with food from all over the world.

Seoul Plaza


playing in  the water fountain

making nan bread
me in a hanbok

With Seoul being so big, it's easy to run into many festivals in one day. Of course this is what happened. As we were walking around, we ran into a festival on the Cheonggyecheon.

The next day I met up with a few people to attempt to go bike riding in Seoul. I say we attempted, because only one of the four people who went were able to rent bikes. But, we made due with one bike long enough to just take picture.

It has been a crazy last few weeks with so much going on. With the weather changing and summer approaching, I have so many trips planned that I can't wait to share with you all. Not to mention, I'll be home in 5 MONTHS!! I can't wait for the big ol' hugs from so many people.

Love you tons!


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