Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Visits Korea!

Another holiday has passed in good ol' Korea and I'm here to tell you all about it. The weather has finally broke 50 degrees and I think I'm finally ready to retire my winter jacket. Thank goodness!!

This past Saturday evening, Lauren invited me to her church in Seoul for Easter Vigil. I was really interested in going to see the cultural differences in worship. Of course, the service we attended was in Korean so I had NO idea what was going on. It was still a great experience! One difference I noticed was that there was a lot of bowing...go figure!

Lauren's church
Foreigners with the Bishop

For Easter Sunday, I had brunch with two lovely ladies. Right outside of the restaurant were the biggest dogs I have ever seen. Literally! I'm still trying to figure out where they could possibly live, because the size of the apartments here are not enormous.

On Tuesday, we had an Easter celebration at school. I think it's so nice that our school tries to incorporate the American traditions into every holiday celebration. We had a jam packed day full of learning the story of Jesus and the Easter Bunny, making deviled eggs (so sooo good and MY idea!), and an Easter egg hunt.

little Isaac all in a mess
Matthew <3
Joshua's pig face

Today was Election Day in Korea and I was lucky enough to get the day off. I ventured into Seoul for some much needed retail therapy and literally shopped till I dropped. I'm really looking forward to the coming weeks. Just to name a few happenings... the Cherry Blossom Festival, B-Boy dance show, DMZ tour, and Tania and Lauren visit. Ahhh just so sooo excited!!

Miss you!

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