Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another Week of Firsts

Whew! The time just seems to fly by so fast that by the time Friday comes, it feels like I just started my work week. Of course I'm not complaining about this, but I hate rushing good times. This past week was yet another week of firsts for me. I love that nothing is the same here in Korea!

For the past several weeks I've had a big craving for soup. Well SoKo doesn't exactly have a panera bread on every corner, so in order for me to get my hands on a bowl I would have to travel almost an hour into Seoul. My co-worker recommended that I try porridge one night. I was a little skeptical to try porridge because it resembles grits and I HATE grits. So I put nerves aside and went to the nearby "Traditional Korean Porridge" restaurant. Hands down some of the tastiest "soup-like" dishes I have ever had!

cute little sign in window
"Give thanks for the food and the joy of living"
Crabmeat with cheese porridge

Later in the week we had our monthly Birthday party for our kinder kids. I love Birthday parties not only because it gives me a break from teaching, but the parents bring pizza, chicken and snacks for all of us to share.

 Now as I have probably ranted before, I live in a pretty small town. It has is pros and cons, but the pros list JUST got longer. Every couple weeks my co-workers usually go to a movie at the local cinema. Well due to Korea's limited movie selection, we were forced to see "Puss and Boots". Lucky for us we discovered a whole new venue for Thirsty Thursdays. Our movie theater now sells beer. Woot woot!

To end my week, I went to a farewell party for a good friend that I have met in Korea. If there is anything I hate about is that the minute you meet a new good friend, you have to turn around and say good-bye. The only plus side to this is getting the opportunity to meet new, exciting people. Of course these new people could never replace the old, but at least I know I will go back to the States with even more amazing friendships.

Bye-bye Matt!
Bringing a little bit of the South to SoKo
shot gunning beers
I have a busy week coming up, so I'll have lots to update in the coming week. I wanted to post this awesome article my co-worker shared with me. It's 50 beautiful places to visit in South Korea. I hope to visit at least half of these places before I leave! (

I hope every has a great week! :)

-Jenn xoxo 

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