Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Korean Thanksgiving

This week was a week full of "misses." Being the first Thanksgiving away from home, I certainly missed the traditional hangouts and catch-ups with old friends on Thanksgiving Eve, my Mom's cooking, and of course spending time with my family. Lucky for me I had 15 other friends to celebrate turkey day with this year.

At school on Thursday, I gave the kinder classes a lesson on the story of Thanksgiving. After, each student was asked what they were thankful for. I heard "I'm thankful for Jenn Teacher" from Nuri in Clifford class, and my heart just sunk. Kids can be so sweet sometimes.

On Saturday two of my lovely friends hosted a Thanksgiving potluck dinner. So myself and fifteen of my closest friends celebrated Thanksgiving complete with stuffing, potatoes, pumpkin pie, and chicken. Unfortunately we couldn't find a turkey, so we compromised with chicken. We spent the whole day together eating, playing games and of course drinking lots and lots of wine. It was such a great day! Since I missed Thanksgiving at home, this was just what I needed :)

There is so much I have to be thankful for this year! Just to name a few: I have a family that supports and loves me, I have amazing friends who keep in touch even when I'm 7,000 miles away, I have a great job with great co-workers and 35 little ones that are happy that I'm there, and last but not least I get to experience a new culture, as well as travel to places I never thought I would.

So all in all I should say that I'm ONE lucky girl :) I miss you all!

-Jenn xoxo

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