Friday, July 29, 2011

Wait! What am I doing?

And the final countdown as of today is...1 day!! Guess you could say I'm freakin' out. I have a pretty good idea as to what to expect, but my biggest worry is starting a new job. It's always a little nerve-wracking starting a new job, especially when you don't have a whole lot of experience teaching English to children.

I began packing my two HUGE 29" suitcases yesterday. Of course after all the packing, I forgot they need to be under 50 lbs. All things considered, I weighed my bags and they were 10 lbs over. Oopsie! According the Asiana Airlines I'm allowed two 50 lbs suitcases free. If I go over, it's $200/per suticase. No thank you! My parents are going to send the rest of my winter stuff to me. I had to forgo my boots :( ~sniff sniff~

Tomorrow at 5:37am begins my big adventure. I, again, want to thank all of my friends and family for supporting me with this decision! It wasn't the easiest decision to make considering I left a life in Norfolk that I had made after 5 years. Now I'm going to a new country where no one knows me, and starting a whole new life. Thank you all for the positive and motivational thoughts.

Love y'all <3

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