Thursday, June 30, 2011


I can't believe that in exactly one month from today I'll be on a plane to South Korea. Craazzzy!  I got my flight itinerary about two weeks ago and that's when it really hit me. I'll post my itinerary closer to my departure date for anyone interested in checking up on my flights :)

I have a good feeling that the month of July is going to fly by with all the exciting things going on. My Brother, Chris, will be visiting from Alabama for a week, as well as celebrating my Dad's 50th Birthday and my sister, Marcia, is closing on her house. Oh and of course I can't forget the arrival of Baby Mullins.

On top of all of July's festivities, I still have so much to do to get prepared. I've already moved my stuff back to Roanoke which is a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I have one week left here in Norfolk before I move permanently back home with the Rents. I never would've thought I would say the words, "I'm moving back in with my parents", hahaha.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited, nervous or having seconds thoughts. Of course every kind of emotion has been jolting through my body, but I can say that I KNOW this is the best decision for me. I definitely have to say a big "Thank You" to Lauren, which is who I'm going to be replacing. She has been great in helping me get prepared and easing any kind of worries that I have been having. It's unfortunate she won't be there when I get there, but it seems like I'll be working with some really fun people. :)


  1. As Jenn's parents we have experienced 25 years of watching her grow into someone that knows where she is going and what she wants in life. We will never forget the days of sitting in McDonald's as Jenn watched to see that no one would take her chicken mcnugget's. Her cheerleading in school, or riding her bike around the apartments in Georgia. Then all of a sudden, she is walking down the aisle to get her degree at ODU, now she enters a new phase of her life. We love you Jenn, and hope only for the best for you. Mom and Dad.

  2. Bahaha nobody better touch my chicken nuggets!! :)
