Monday, October 17, 2011

Jenn Teacher is a Bit of a Slacker

I must first apologize to everyone for my slacking on not keeping up with my blog as often as I had promised. These last couple of weeks seemed to have just flown by for me. I can't believe I've been in Korea for almost three months. Crazy! Let me catch you all up on the happenings here in Korea.

To begin, a few weeks ago I attended my first professional soccer game in Seoul. FC Seoul planned a "Foreigners Day" which allowed foreigners to pay $10 for admission, a beer, and a hot dog. It was quite an experience being in the Seoul World Cup Stadium that hosted the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Unfortunately I wasn't able to experience a full stadium, but FC Seoul definitely brought down the house. Here are a few pictures from the game: 

FC Seoul (Football Club Seoul)

The Crew

Last weekend, a few friends and I went to the International Seoul Fireworks Festival. This is an annual event where firework displays are set off by professional teams from South Korea and abroad. This year they featured Japan and Portugal. Each country set off about 20 minutes worth of fireworks. The event took place right on the Han River which made the view absolutely amazing. Words cannot express just how awesome these fireworks were. Of course, South Korea's show which included a light show, was hands down the best. I'm unable to download a video because it takes too long, but if you're on Facebook I definitely recommend checking it out.

To add to my weekend last week, I had a friend show me a little part of Dongbaek I have never seen. This little guy below was perfectly hidden on the top of a small mountain right next to my work. It's such a romantic spot!

Work is still fun and exciting! I love having a job where I feel appreciated and loved. Two weeks ago the kinder classes had Sports Day. The students, along with hot P.E. Teacher, went to a park and played games which reminded me a lot of my elementary school days except without drinking huggies and playing with a parachute. I wasn't prepared to participate in the relay races and tug o'war games, but I did find out my arm strength has certainly improved since coming to Korea. Must be all those trips on the bus and subway where I'm hanging on for dear life with the "oh crap" or "under-arm-scent releasers."

As you can see there hasn't been too many exciting things to report back to you all.  For those who may not already know, I'm heading to Thailand in December so I've been working on saving as much money as possible. I do have a few exciting things in the works for the next couple of weeks, so I'll be sure to keep you all up-to-date. Miss you all more than you know!